Client Liaison (Meet and Greets)

400,00 Inc IVA


Client Liaisons can be extremely tricky, especially if you’re not on hand to deal with any issues and/or problems. Whatever they may be.

Mark and Andreas apartments have had many years of experience, and consider ourselves very confident in handling the requirements of your guests and Client Liaisons within our manged properties.

This facility also incorporates a key holding facility to enable your Client Liaisons services and day to day requirements.

As we are based within an approximate Ten kilometre radius from all the properties that we manage.  We are on hand to quickly and can efficiently liaise with your guests/tenants on whatever issues may arise.

This facility if taken, is very useful, especially if your not locally based to deal with any client issues yourselves, and all  for less than €4.50 Euros weekly

If you need more information, don’t hesitate to contact us



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